Sound Collage Submissions

A call out from artists Roberto Carlos Lange and Kristi Sword

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What are the sounds of Marfa?

What do you hear outside your window?

What’s the smallest and biggest sound you hear in Marfa?

What does a cactus sound like?


As part of a collaborative sonic call and response, we invite you to open your ears, tune in, and send us the sounds that speak to you. We will use all sounds submitted to compose a new audio work that will be transformed into a singular piece for playback throughout our show, Kite Symphony, at Ballroom Marfa in 2022. If chosen, your recording will be included in the installation and credited on Ballroom Marfa’s site.

No sound is too loud, too quiet, too short or too long. We are hoping to listen to what Marfa sounds like through your ears. We are looking for a variety of sounds β€” anything from solo speaking and conversations to feet walking down the street, to birds, music performance, and other serendipitous sonic happenings that call your attention.

You can submit sounds by recording them on your phone via voice memo and uploading them below or emailing them to [email protected].

You don’t have to be an expert to submit something – check out this informative recording guide from NTS for some stellar pointers πŸ˜€

<3 Roberto Carlos Lange + Kristi Sword