Ballroom Marfa Art Fund


The Seen on New Growth

March 13, 2013

The Seen, “Chicago’s International Art & Design Blog,” reviews Rashid Johnson’s New Growth

“… The extreme dry landscape led Rashid to create his largest sculpture to date, The Shea Butter Irrigation System, an altered irrigation system, like those found in agricultural fields. Heated by the sun, the large cubes of shea butter slowly drip onto the ground. Shea butter is a moisturizing emollient derived from a plant native to West Africa and it has become one of Rashid’s signature materials for its multivalent associations with his own life, Afrocentrism, and healing properties. As the shea butter drips onto the rocky, dry Texas earth, the work questions what will metaphorically grow, with the introduction of a foreign substance such as the shea butter. The immense scale and location of this work outdoors in the Ballroom Marfa courtyard veers Rashid into the territory of land art and earthworks akin to that of Richard Serra, Robert Smithson, and Robert Morris, opening up an entirely new dialogue around his work.”

Keep reading at The Seen.

Among her commissions, “Troubadours” has been her biggest success

She especially enjoyed telling human centered stories about the work officers were doing, she said.

Cité principale New Phoenix se situe en Arizonia.
Para Jordania ha supuesto un aut revulsivo la sustituci como seleccionador del iraqu Adnan Hamad por el egipcio Hossam Hassan, disc del legendario t Mahmoud el Gohary, quien revolucion al conjunto jordano durante el decenio.
Tucson: Bailey Johnson

Academy of Tucson: James Gorman.
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