Ballroom Marfa Art Fund


North of South, West of East on a Brooklyn Rooftop

1 Aug 2013

A special screening of Meredith Danluck‘s North of South, West of East is happening this weekend as part of Rooftop Films’ 2013 Summer Series. As Danluck explains:

Come out Friday to see my four screen feature, North of South, West of East that we produced with Ballroom Marfa, Ex Vivo and Leslie Fritz. It screened this year at Sundance and features Ben Foster, Stella Schnabel, Sue Galloway, James Penfold and local Marfa punks, Solid Waste as well as an original score by John “Johnny Pockets” Carpenter.

It’s literally four surrounding screens with four narrative films playing in perfect symphony. Rooftop has set this up outside, with 200 swivel seats so it’ll be super fun and… it’s free.

Get all the details at

“The idea came out of being couch-ridden with a broken leg on a TV-viewing binge…”

28 Feb 2013

A fresh review of North of South, West of East, the multi-channel narrative film that premiered here at Ballroom as part of our 2011 fall visual arts exhibition, AutoBody. The write-up also features a brief Q&A with director Meredith Danluck, excerpted below.

“The idea came out of being couch-ridden with a broken leg on a TV-viewing binge while reading about durational cinema from the 1970s,” said Danluck over a phone conversation to her home base, New York City. “I wanted to see all the characters outside of their dramatic moments, the dead time and spaces in between became interesting and full of potential.”