
Ronald Rael at Marfa Book Company

April 25, 2013

For the third installment of Rio Bravo, Joaquim Hamou brings UC Berkeley Professor Ronald Rael to the Marfa Book Company where he’ll be “discussing a series of critical / theoretical / architectural interventions he has designed for the US = MEXICO border.” That’s tonight, Thursday 25 April 2013 at 6pm.

Rael’s 2008 book Earth Architecture features Elmgreen & Dragset’s Prada Marfa installation, Presidio’s Adobe Alliance and several other Far West Texas sites.

A preview of Earth Architecture‘s Prada Marfa section via Google Books:

I was working every single day to complete this project,” she said in a video statementHe pick up his son and lifted Lo.
We haven really spoken about it at training,” he said.
Kavita Mariwalla, a New York based Dermatologist says that numerous studies show that, by improving overall health, moderate exercise contributes to a youthful (read: more attractive) appearance.
24, Bazemore.

“If they do that, they minimise the risk of a pendulum or see saw tackle happening,” Harrigan said.
Two years later, when one of the offenders was about to be sentenced, Jordan wrote in a victim impact statement that her daughter was still “in constant fear of black men.

Greller’s experience in the classroom likely helps him on the fairway, Jenks said.

Enrique Madrid and the Reanimation of Rio Bravo

April 11, 2013

From our friends at the Marfa Book Company:

“Thursday, April 11th 6 pm
RIO BRAVO: Danish artist Joachim Hamou and MBCo are teaming up to reanimate , Hamou’s former gallery and performance space, for a series of three talks pertaining to Border Issues. Join us this Thursday, April 11th, to hear Redford, TX based Historian Enrique Madrid talk about the history and culture of the Greater Big Bend.”

Enrique and his wife Ruby were part of Ballroom and Alyce Santoro‘s Texas Biennial weekend in 2011. Santoro’s short film about Madrid’s radical tortilla cosmology will give you some idea of how deep Enrique can go.

The Synergetic Omni-Solution, 30 April 2011. Photo by Alberto Tomas Halpern.